Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter 43

Hot Bubblegum by SoapyMayhem

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

0. . . oO•.o.Hot Bubblegum.o.•Oo . . .0
Chapter 44
*~Bella Swan~*

It seemed that going down on Edward had been the perfect tension breaker to get us both smiling and laughing, comfortable - like before.

Before we fucked each others brains out that first night, before Edward knew the truth about me.

But now that he knew, and still wanted to hang out and be with me, I was thrilled beyond belief that we could get back to that easy conversation.

I still had to wonder if Edward truly understood what he was getting himself into with me though. He said he wanted to take me on a date, but did he realize how few options we'd have?

Until I was no longer a person of interest to the media, Edward would have no privacy. Paps would be constantly up his ass following him home from the shop, turning friendships with people like his cousin Rose into some kind of torrid sex affair, or me meeting with a guy friend - if I had any - into a story that I've turned to another man to escape my gold digging boyfriend.

The fact that Edward wasn't famous or rich would certainly have people talking.

A part of me entertained the idea that Edward might only want to be with me because of the fame or money, but the way we met, him not recognizing me at least told me he was attracted to me, so I felt less inclined to believe that he would take advantage.

Maybe I was naive, but I felt like he was someone I could genuinely trust.

Those warning bells that always went off with other boys I dated were absent when I thought of being with Edward.

I was most definitely willing to give him a chance.

Our compatibility and sexual chemistry could not be denied and I wanted nothing more than to explore that aspect a bit further.

"So... about that date?" I asked wincing slightly as the needle pulsed against my back.

"What about it?" he replied, distractedly, his careful focus aimed at making my ink look perfect.

"I was just curious. I guess I was wondering what you had in mind," I replied, my voice laced with a thread of unease.

He remained silent for a moment, as if contemplating, "I've got some ideas," he replied cryptically.

I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want him to have to go out of his way to keep me hidden from the public eye. The last thing I wanted was for Edward to get treated like some kind of sideshow freak because he was with me.

I wanted us to be normal.

"Don't worry though, you won't be bothered where we're going," he added as if he'd been reading my mind somehow.

"Thank you," I whispered, wishing I could give him a kiss or squeeze his hand, so he knew how much I appreciated his thoughtfulness.


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